With over a dozen Japanese restaurants including two teppanyaki grill style, Scottsdale is known as one of the greatest dining cities in the world. Scottsdale ranks high in restaurants per capita with 622 for its 200,000+ residents. Business Week ranks Scottsdale 4th in the nation as best city. I know that when you think of Scottsdale, you don't think of Japanese food, but Benihana is one of my favorites. The chef entertains you while he cooks, and the food is fabulous. Their sushi is so-so, but the chef's show includes a steaming volcano of onions, shrimp tails (or egg) flipped in his hat, and other juggling feats. Where else can you go and see a beating heart made of rice? And, the heart is the perfect symbol for an "I Love Scottsdale" blog.
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