Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Cute Termite--Who Knew?

Photos by Lisa E White
When I first saw the mud tubes running up my beloved saguaro, I thought termites would destroy my cactus and were certainly heading for our house.  I would have paid hundreds (or thousands?) of dollars to rid my property of these vermin.  Fortunately, I happened to talk to Jim Hermann, who had worked at a landscaping supply company, who referred me to a termite expert who works for Termidor named Ed Evans.  After snapping portraits of my little buggers, Ed confirmed that my termites were a type of desert termite that does not eat wood.  All I had to do was hose down the mud tubes, and the termites were gone.  Cost--zero.  After reading about these amazing insects, I began to admire them.  Of the 18 species found in Arizona, some do significant damage to wood while others eat plants. Termites are the ultimate recyclers as they are some of the few creatures that can digest cellulose, thus performing necessary services for decomposition.  And many other species enjoy eating them as a delicacy.  Look at that juicy little fat body!!  U of A Cooperative Extension Article on Arizona Termites

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